Dating Russian Women In Usa

Russian Singles Online is one of the safest and oldest Russian dating site for meeting with Russian women. We have more than 50 000 screened single foreign women profiles. We check all the women before activation of their profiles. Our East-European women are mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States. Nov 16, 2021 Russian women dating sites connect Russian ladies with men in the West. Essentially, when you log on to the platform, all your potential dates would be Russian women (and not other nationalities). This way, guys like you who prefer to date Russian ladies wouldn′t have to browse through hundreds of profiles of other nationalities on normal. Meet Russian Women in USA. VictoriyaAnne, 33. USA, Long Island. Seeking men, 35 - 60. ' hello, I am Victoriya, born in Saint-Petersburg now for past 25 years living in New York and on East coast. Very romantic, tender and caring, I enjoy the outdoors, and sunshine- also swimming in the summer months. Dating Russian women in the USA. Russian women perceive Canadian and American men as real gentlemen who are soft-hearted and of calm character and kind disposition. The absolute reliability in terms of family, many men dream of having a Russian wife. More so for those Russian women already living in the US either as second-generation immigrants.

Russian Women In The Usa For Dating

Our matchmaking company “Concierge Introductions” specializes in introducing American men, who are searching for Eastern European or Russian and Ukrainian women for marriage in the US with their potential mates who already reside in USA. As we first started our company in 2009, we realized that majority of single women who joined our agency were originally from Eastern European Countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic etc.) The reason was that those Russian/Ukrainian women once in US, did not have much of a network of friends/co-workers to meet single guys through. They are also sometimes shy to go out to bars at night to meet guys and majority also culturally does not believe in meeting your future spouse in a bar or a club. A reputable matchmaking agency is a much more comfortable and safer way to be introduced to a potential boyfriend.

On the other hand, we found that there is a big demand for Eastern European brides amongst American men and majority of these guys end up spending large amounts of money on travel to meet Russian or Ukrainian women of their dreams, but not necessarily successfully on first or even second trip.


Most Eastern European cities are about 13 hours away, travel is expensive and not always safe and also there is a large risk of the person whom you think you are going to meet and build a relationship with not even being a true identity, but being a part of large scam operation to extort money from foreigners. There is also always a risk of finding out that the woman you are going to meet has no desire of leaving her country and her relatives and friends, but rather conveniently planning on having an American boyfriend on a side who financially helps her through tough economic times.

Here at “Concierge Introductions” we introduce men to Eastern European women who are already living in the US, have been personally interviewed, screened and pre-qualified. Majority of those eastern European girls speak English, drive a car, have a job and documents. We help our clients eliminate the risk of unnecessary monetary losses, travel expenses and also give them opportunity to meet several Russian (etc.) women throughout a year, rather just one or two.

Meet russian women in usa

Russian Women Living In Usa

If a client still insist on meeting a girl who currently lives in Russia or Ukraine or any other countries from Eastern bloc, we personally match them with girls from our database, who we know are going to compatible with our client based on his criteria for a bride. All our Eastern-European ladies are interviewed, questioned and screened.

Meet Russian Women In Usa

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